

Low Vision Living is a space that aims to speak to blind people who are not living in total darkness. Often a person with some sight, but less than 20/200 visual acuity fall into a range called “legally blind”. As someone with a visual acuity of less than 20/400, I have fallen in this category legally blind but not in total darkness since I was nine years old. Each low vision person is unique, with individual goals and experiences. Each person with low vision is more than just their low vision, as is true for each person who is totally blind and the person who is fully sighted. This blog aims to cover topics important and interesting to those who live their everyday lives with low vision, and to their family and friends. Some topics that will be covered here are:

  • Sub-aspects of daily life unique to low vision
  • Pros and cons of having a small seeing eye dog
  • Traveling and bringing your low vision with you
  • Sharing living space with fully sighted partners and family members
  • Navigating how to be explorative and creative in a society that presumes sightedness
  • Developing a career as a low vision person

If you or someone you know is low vision and there are specific topics you are interested in hearing about, leave a comment below!

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2 responses to “About”

  1. Linda Rutledge Avatar
    Linda Rutledge

    Diane, this is Linda Rutledge from the Wellness 30 day Challenge.

    If you will send me an email, I will send you a link to my CHAT group where we have a weekly check in and can provide support and encouragement for each other.

    Linda Rutledge:
